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Circles and Spirals = Transformation

They are everywhere in nature, including within each of us – circular and spiral patterns.  Sun and moon, nautilus’, ripples and waves, clouds, tree trunks, roots, leaves, schools of fish, flower petals, a coiled snake, rising smoke…and the energy flowing throughout  your body.  I’m sure you could name a few more.

The human eye is drawn to this shape so many features of architecture and home décor are patterned after the spiral shape.  I’m betting that if you look long enough, you could spot a spiral from where you are right now!

The first picture here is on our dining room wall, a silver fern frond from our trip to New Zealand where we learned the significance of this shape, called a ‘Koru’ by the Maori culture, and its symbolism of new life, growth, strength and peace.  We were so moved by it’s meaning that we used it as the symbol at our wedding a year later.

While taking the course this summer with Daisy Lee to learn the Wuji Hundun Qigong form, my understanding of spirals was deepened even further.

She drew our attention to the idea that the Wuji circle (shown below) actually has an opening.  It is a reminder that it's not only a circle, but also a spiral – just as our circular Qigong movements are ultimately drawing us forward into spirals, gently nudging us to grow and transform our understanding of ourselves and our world.

Daisy said, “Spirals are one of the oldest symbols in the world. They remind us that things are slowly revealed and evolved. Hidden messages come out through this evolution, including in your practice. It can mean growth and evolution, but sometimes it is also representative of people coming back to the same point in their life, but with a new understanding of the situation. It invites us to be flexible and to trust when things change or when they get chaotic.”

So as our seasonal change transforms our outer world, why not consider cultivating your own transformation by joining us on the first four Mondays of October from 3:45-5PM Central time for a Wuji Qigong Workshop Series (details below).   Even if you are unable to join the workshop, try being more mindful of spiral shapes all around you and soak up their transforming nature! 


Play with circles and spirals in your personal Qigong practice or join us on Mondays or Wednesdays as a group (details at the bottom of this newsletter).

Also, please mark your calendars and invite your friends to a FREE Gratitude Meditation on Monday, November 21st at 9am via Zoom, using our regular Monday class link.

The Harvest Season is upon us – it’s time to allow blessings to flow your way!

Yours in Transformation,

Sandy Salvo

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Wuji Hundun Qigong

Transforming Chaos into Creative Joy

Mondays, October 3, 10, 17 and 24

3:45-5:00pm (central time) via Zoom*


In this 4-part workshop you will learn an ancient form called Wuji Hundun Qigong, which I recently learned from Daisy Lee.  It is a beautiful 18-Form inherited from Master Duan Zhi Liang, who died at the age of 107-years-old.

The Wuji Hundun Qigong system is based upon the idea that nothing stays the same - which essentially is what chaos is - and that each of us in our own lives is experiencing some form of chaos. How do we work with our energy to transform chaos into creative joy?  I invite you to join me to explore this possibility further!

We will use circular movements to remind us of the infinite circle of life and boundless possibilities that are ever present.  The form also uses spirals to remind us that things are slowly revealed and constantly evolving.

​Perhaps you have been wanting a specific series of Qigong movements to practice on your own?  We will explore how to use Intuitive Flow to personalize this form for exactly what your body is calling for each time you practice.  This form begins and ends with a sunrise and sunset, with 16 other movements in-between that can be used in a flexible way to suit your needs and keep you in harmonious balance.

Contact Sandy to register at

​​Suggested Fee $45

Payment Options:


Or mail check to:

Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562

Cross Plains Area

Mindfulness Meditation Group

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All are welcome to join this new learning community focused on exploring mindfulness meditation practices to cultivate compassion and mutual understanding while enriching our personal faith journeys. No experience necessary. Bring a chair or mat.


Meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-7:45pm on a drop-in basis. St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 2427 Church St, Cross Plains, WI.

October 17:  Why Meditate?

November 21:  Gratitude Meditation

December 19:  Centering Prayer


Contact Sandy at 

Come as you are. 

Come when you are able.

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Invite your family and friends:
Free Gratitude Meditation
Monday, November 21st,
9-9:45am via Zoom

 Join Zoom Class           Meeting ID: 882 7461 0012
* Mark your calendar now!

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Weekly Qigong Classes:

Monday 9-9:45am CT Qigong via Zoom 

 Join Zoom Class 

Meeting ID: 882 7461 0012



Wednesday 8:30-9:15am Qigong at the Lake

Meet near the Boathouse, Marshall Park, Middleton

October and November, as weather permits.



Suggested Fee: $10/class for one-time drop in

Flexible Commitment Options:

Purchase classes in advance and use them as you are able.

6 classes for $48 ($8/class)

10 classes for $70 ($7/class)

15 classes for $90 ($6/class)

I am committed to offering access to the healing power of Qigong to

all who seek to practice with us. Please don’t let financial hardship

get in the way of your health. Simply email me.

Payment Options:


Or mail check to:

Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562

Centered-Connections Website

For more information about my services, please use the menu bar

at the top to explore my website!

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