Sandy's January/February 2023
Qigong Newsletter
Carve Your Own Path
“As you start to walk out on the way, your way will appear.” Rumi
I believe in this philosophy more and more each day, every time I reluctantly take a step into the scary unknown, putting myself out there without knowing how my actions will be perceived, or whether I will succeed or fall flat on my face. But if won't take the first step, who will?
I’m at our cabin as I’m writing today, just in from my third day of snowshoeing on the lake. The first day when I had just arrived to find several feet of snow on the ground, I honestly wasn’t sure if I could even carve out a path to the lake on my snowshoes. But step by deep step, I trudged my way down to the lake and forged a short path along the shore. It was hard work, but enjoyable all the same. Huge pine bows hung low to the ground under the weight of the new snowfall and it was gorgeous to behold!
The next day it was a bit easier to reach the lake, following the trail I had created the day before, and I was able to walk further along the shore. Today the trail was firmly packed and I almost doubled my distance with little effort. I even took time to do some ‘Snowshoe Qigong’ while I was on the lake!
Carving out new habits is a lot like forging a path in the snow. Each time we do something, it strengthens the neurological pathways in the brain, until eventually a new habit is formed. If we keep it up, it soon becomes second-nature.
Breaking old habits that we’d like to discard follows the same process – the less we do something (or the more times I ‘pass’ when I find myself heading to the pantry out of boredom or habit), the weaker that old habit becomes. Eventually new habits will take over and if we are intentional about it, these new habits will be healthy, joy-giving habits that help us follow our dreams.
So let’s be bold and courageous in forging our paths for 2023 and beyond! We don’t need to be perfect. We simply need to be committed to something we care deeply about.
I hope you will decide to strengthen your Qigong practice to support your health and vitality, whether with me or some other forum. “Where your mind goes, the energy flows.”
Here’s to saying ‘Yes” to our best selves in 2023,
Sandy Salvo
P.S. Note the NEW ZOOM LINK below for Monday morning Qigong practices, and consider gifting yourself with an in-person March Retreat, “Transitions and New Beginnings” (details below).
Whether you are navigating a new job, a changing family or life situation, a loss, or a health challenge, you are going through a transition. It is worth paying attention to what is unfolding next, both for and through you.
During this in-person retreat, we will explore transitions by using art, gentle movement, intuitive writing, conversation and more at St. Anthony's Spirituality Center near Wausau, Wisconsin.
Join us on March 3-5, 2023.
Registration is Open!
Transitions and New Beginnings Retreat
March 3-5, 2023
Give yourself the gift of retreat.
Cross Plains Area
Mindfulness Meditation Group
All are welcome to join this open learning community focused on exploring mindfulness meditation practices to cultivate compassion and mutual understanding while enriching our personal faith journeys. No experience necessary.
Meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-7:45pm on a drop-in basis. St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 2427 Church St, Cross Plains, WI.
January 16: Loving Kindness Meditation
February 20: Nine Attitudes by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Contact Sandy at
Come as you are.
Come when you are able.
Nine Attitudes for Mindfulness
by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Beginner's Mind
Letting Go/Letting Be
Weekly Qigong Classes:
Monday 9-9:45am CT Qigong via Zoom
Click Here for 2023 Qigong w Sandy
Wednesday 8:30-9:15am Qigong at the Lake
Meet near the Boathouse, Marshall Park, Middleton
Taking a break Nov-Mar.
Refer a Friend, Get a Free Class Yourself!
Any time you refer a friend who tries a free Qigong class, you will receive a free class yourself! It’s that simple - you keep track on your own. Let’s keep spreading the word about this amazing form of self-care!😊
Gifts of Health and Vitality
Many of you were introduced to Qigong through the generosity of a friend. If you have someone in mind who you think might benefit from joining our regular class and one of the existing Class-Pass Bundles doesn’t fit your ‘gift budget’, how about gifting a friend with a 3-Class Pass for $30? (Since a person's first class is always free, this actually means they can practice with us four times for $30).
Suggested Qigong Class Fees for 2023*
After three years it is time to adjust fees slightly to cover increases in insurance, PayPal and Zoom fees, training costs and gas prices (for in-person classes). Since most of you pay with a Class-Pass Bundle, your fees are going up $1/class or less. If this increase creates a burden on your budget, please simply pay what you can.
One-time drop in: $12/class
Class-Pass Bundle of 6: $54 ($9/class)
Class-Pass Bundle of 10: $80 ($8/class)
Class-Pass Bundle of 15: $102 (6.80/class)
*These rates apply to weekly online Zoom classes (Mondays, 9am) and weekly outdoor classes April-November (Wednesdays, 8:30am). Feel free to mix ‘n match as your schedule allows.
Payment Options:
Or mail check to:
Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562
Centered-Connections Website
For more information about my services, please use the menu bar at the top to explore my website!