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Sandy's June/July 2022
Qigong Newsletter



An Invitation to Explore


Dear Ones:  My heart is full and open after a weekend with college friends who lived and worshiped together over 40 years ago at the Lutheran Campus Center at UW- LaCrosse.  One thing that struck me as we talked was the incredible impact that this small group of people has had in our communities and churches over the years, each in our own way, humbly sharing the gifts we were given with those around us.


It reminded me of our current community of Qigong lovers, gathering regularly from across the miles to cultivate not only our own health and vitality, but also that of those we come in contact with each day.  We know that how we ‘show up’ in the world sends energetic ripples of compassion and healing around the world. 


We gather to ‘practice’ tuning into our bodies, minds and spirits; to learn the skill of equanimity that helps us to connect to our calm center even in the face of tragedy and difficulty.


Last week I asked you to send me a ‘one-liner’ describing one or two ways that you have shared your gifts with others recently.  The current responses are listed below, but if you haven’t responded yet, please consider emailing me now and I’ll include them in our next addition.  Little things matter.


As for me, I am taking a bold step to start a monthly Mindfulness Meditation Group beginning June 20th, as a way to explore mindfulness together, create a community of learners and perhaps deepen our personal spiritual practices.  I invite those of you who are local to the Middleton area to consider joining me (details are below).


I consider this a ‘bold step’ because I know full well that you are already busy, committed people, and that my humble offering may result in me meditating by myself each month!  And that’s OK.  We offer our gifts with passion and grace, not knowing how they will be received.  I encourage you to do the same, to take the risk and be open to where it leads.


Now get outside and enjoy your summer!

Sandy Salvo

"This quiet, daily, uneventful experience of contemplative prayer transforms us into peacemakers. Though it might feel like sitting in darkness, it enables us to walk in light."  Father John Dear, on Contemplative Nonviolence

“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Cross Plains Area

Mindfulness Meditation Group


All are welcome to join this new learning community focused on exploring mindfulness meditation practices to cultivate compassion and mutual understanding while enriching our personal faith journeys. No experience necessary. 


Meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-7:45pm on a drop-in basis.


Summer months (June 20, July 18) will meet outside, weather permitting, St. Martin’s Lutheran Church Prayer Garden, (2777 Church Street, Cross Plains, WI). Bring a lawn chair.


August 15th will be an outdoor Labyrinth Walk at Madison Christian Community (7118 Old Sauk Rd, Madison, WI) with a trained Labyrinth Facilitator.  Carpool from Cross Plains at 6:00pm or meet us there at 6:30pm.



Contact Sandy at 


Come as you are. 

Come when you are able.

Balance rocks.jpeg

I send best wishes for peace, comfort and health to all the people in Ukraine.  Mary B.


I have shared my love of cooking making healthful meals for friends and family and my enjoyment of writing with today’s leaders.  Kathleen P.


This past Saturday, I was able to call 911 for a man who was going to jump off the Bridge over Old Middleton Rd on University Ave - I was able to talk to him while the Police were on their way.  Jacque S.


I've been focused on improving water quality since my first Earth Day, I improve health and the environment by changing meetings for good, and I use Qigong to stay limber when on a long road trip.  Barb B.


I teach Spanish to seniors until 99 years old, present cinema to open the window of Speak Spanish world.  Ellen S.


I have fostered 98 dogs!  Karen K.


From "empty coat sleeves” to full energy by the time we finish, the Monday morning session helps me get going on things: my daily phone call with a dear friend, volunteering with my food co-op, or just thinking how to connect local with global when there’s so much need on every level. Nancy A.


Last fall I created a Wise-Sass Society Facebook Group of over 100 women who freely share wisdom with a touch of sass! Kathi V.


I have been practicing Qigong and sending positive ripples around the world; I  have invited friends to join our Qigong classes; and I have been sending food baskets locally, aid to Ukraine. Ufuk T.


I have been fostering dogs and learning to have patience; I have been learning to “pause” more with those who are difficult or see the world differently; and I have been practicing Tonglen meditation to help others with their pain.  Heidi S.

My holding space with others for communities to engage in deep conversations.  Elizabeth F.


I am starting a Mindful Meditation group to explore practices for spreading compassion in our corner of the world and deepen our personal faith journeys.  Sandy S.


I just started my 11th Circle of Support through Just Dane for women who have left prison or jail and have helped facilitate Conscious Communication practice groups (a.k.a. Nonviolent Communication) for over 15 years, and I have helped serve the 2nd Tuesday per month veggie lasagna dinner at Luke House for 32 years.  Mary H.


I am focusing on a concept that I read about recently called “inner fitness”:  Instead of my “to do” list being the focus of my day, I am focusing my energy on my emotional well-being and mental health, which includes mindfulness, meditation, taking time for myself, giving myself a compassion break, extending out to others, practicing gratitude.  Geri N.


I have a Mindfulness App that chimes at various times throughout the day to remind me to send wisdom, love and compassion to all people.  Kathy W.


 I share my gift of discernment when I: (1) facilitate the practice of conscious communication at the Greater Madison Conscious Communication practice groups, (2) lead and or participate in book studies or social justice groups at my church (3) meditate daily and pray for all living beings using integration practices, and a loving kindness practice.  Linda N.


Aren’t these amazing gifts?  And we know it’s just a small sample of the impact this group has on our world.  THANK YOU all, for not only sending me your ‘one-liners’, but for freely sharing your time, your talents and yourselves for the good of others. 


With much gratitude,

Sandy Salvo

Our Gifts Offered to the World


I asked folks from our Qigong classes to step out of their comfort zones and share a ‘one-liner’ that describes some way that they have chosen to share their gifts with the world.  Many of you could write an inspiring book(!), but please enjoy the short offerings below as a way to remind us that WE EACH have important gifts to share, no matter how small they may seem at the time. And coming together as a community empowers us to reach higher and stretch further.


Weekly Qigong Classes:


Monday 9-9:45am CT Qigong via Zoom 

 Join Zoom Class 


Meeting ID: 882 7461 0012






Wednesday 8:30-9:15am Qigong at the Lake

Meet near the Boathouse, Marshall Park, Middleton, WI



Spread the Word:  Qigong Activates the Healer Within!

Bring A Friend – Practice for Free!


There is no doubt in my mind that your invitations to friends and family members is THE absolute best means of spreading the word about the healing power of Qigong!


Without someone who has personally experienced the effects of these practices bearing witness to another, most people simply do not understand what Qigong is or how it can make them feel.        


Please consider who in your circle might benefit from Qigong and invite them to try a class for free. Each time you bring a new person to class, you can practice for free, too!


Suggested Fee: $10/class for one-time drop in

Flexible Commitment Options:

Purchase classes in advance and use them as you are able.


6 classes for $48 ($8/class)

10 classes for $70 ($7/class)

15 classes for $90 ($6/class)


I am committed to offering access to the healing power of Qigong to

all who seek to practice with us. Please don’t let financial hardship

get in the way of your health. Simply email me.


Payment Options:


Or mail check to:

Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562





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