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Mindfulness Meditation

“Mindfulness is non-judgmental awareness of your moment-to-moment experience.” -                                                                                                                                 Sean Fargo


Why cultivate mindfulness?  Once we begin to observe the workings of our mind, we realize how much of life we are missing by being stuck in the past, planning or worrying about the future, and judging everything that passes in front of us.  All this mind-chatter is exhausting, and zaps us of our joy and often, our health.


Cross Plains Area

Mindfulness Meditation Group

All are welcome to join this open learning community focused on exploring mindfulness meditation practices to cultivate compassion and mutual understanding while enriching our personal faith journeys. No experience necessary. 


Meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-7:45pm on a drop-in basis at St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 2427 Church St, Cross Plains, WI.

September 16:  Forest Bathing at Festge County Park (4894 Scherbel Rd, Cross Plains)

  Bring a journal and something to sit upon.

October 21st: Meditation lead by Jeff Postle at St. Martin's Lutheran Church


Contact Sandy  

Come as you are. 

Come when you are able.

Mindfulness Meditation Drop-In Sessions
Harbor Wellness Center
September 25th, 11-11:35am

Are you more focused on eliminating the weeds or growing the flowers?  
(No Pop-Up in Oct)

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