Sandy's March/April 2024
Qigong & Mindfulness

Check out the 2nd “Transitions and New Beginnings Retreat” on April 5-7.
The BIG Reveal vs. Slow Emergence
Last spring at the first “Transitions and New Beginnings” retreat that Barb Bickford and I held at St. Anthony’s Spirituality Center, participants were given an opportunity to consider an aspect of their lives where they were feeling stuck or hesitant to move forward, where fear or uncertainty, or lack of clarity or purpose were hindering them from stepping into the life they desired.
Some focused on completing a heartfelt project (see info below about Kathleen’s upcoming book signing!), while others chose life events, learning to live without a loved one, adjusting to our aging bodies and minds, or considering a career move.
Together and individually, we created intuitive art pieces, journaled, moved with Qigong, listened inwardly in silence and in nature, and shared the stories of our life journeys. We each took time to connect to our deepest longings.
Those of you who attended last year may recall my dream of creating my own Qigong form using the wisdom of the ancient Masters. Throughout this past year I was inspired to take personal retreat time to devote time and energy to this longing. My ideas coalesced over time and I enjoyed playing with how my body, mind and spirit were drawn to move and flow.
Recently I had the realization that I have never actually done “The BIG Reveal” of what I have created and I felt a sort of judgment toward myself for failing to complete what I had set out to do. But then I thought back over the year and realized that ‘my new form’ has evolved with more of a slow emergence over time and that I have indeed, been slowly revealing a bit of it at a time over the course of this year.
It is truly meant to be integrated into other forms that we may be practicing on a given day and may flow out of me in different ways over time. It became clear that it doesn’t need a catchy name or even recognition at all – it simply needs my presence in the moment to allow it to flow freely. (Click here while on your desktop to watch a short sample).
So whatever is tugging on your heart this spring, I invite you to honor it with some devoted time – perhaps at the 2nd “Transitions and New Beginnings Retreat” on April 5-7. Early Bird rates run through March 5th.
Who knows, you may take a major step toward creating the life you imagine for yourself, or, like me, you may open yourself and allow that which is bubbling up to emerge slowly over time.
I would be honored to share precious retreat time with you this April,
Sandy Salvo
P.S. In this newsletter, you will find links to the latest Qigong and TaiChi research, learn about a 5-week Mindfulness Meditation Class on Mondays during April, see what drop-in opportunities exist for trying Mindfulness Meditation, learn how YOU could become certified to teach Qigong(!) and find the Zoom link for Monday Qigong at 9am, as well as the info about the Outdoor Qigong group resuming the first Wednesday of April! Reminder: No Qigong classes from March 4 – 25th.

Our Qi Gong friend and colleague Kathleen Paris says, “We tend to think of grief as an emotional state, but grief affects our entire bodies, our entire selves, head to toe.” Her latest book is "Gentle Comforts: For Women Grieving the Loss of Their Beloved Life Companion". You are invited to a book talk and signing on Wednesday, April 17, 6:00 p.m. at Mystery to Me bookstore, 1863 Monroe Street, Madison. Get your complementary ticket or reserve a live online spot. More information at kathleenparis.com.

Click for Details:
Transitions and New Beginnings Retreat
APRIL 5-7, 2024
Early Bird Registration Through March 5th
St. Anthony's Spiritual Retreat Center

Intro to Mindfulness Meditation Class
Mondays, 12:30-2:00pm
5 Weeks: April 1-29, 2024
Middleton Senior Center (7448 Hubbard Ave)
Mountain Lake, Jasper, Canada
"If you ever wonder what's the big deal about mindfulness, you might remember this...Mindfulness (or vipassana meditation) is the technology for shifting from being ensnarled in suffering to being curious about it." Ruth King

"Between life’s stimuli and our habitual responses exists choice."
Ken Wilber
Learning to live with awareness and acceptance of what is happening around and within us can free us from unnecessary worry, anxiety, and stress which adversely affects our mental and physical health. Mindfulness meditation gives us tools for living life with purpose and joy.
Meeting weekly for 90 minutes in a small group, we will explore the foundations and benefits of mindfulness meditation, focusing on learning through experience and self-reflection. Students will be provided with an electronic workbook to print and will be encouraged to practice various forms of mindfulness at home between sessions. No experience is necessary, but a curious mindset is key!
Fee: $122
To register, click here: Middleton Recreation Dept. using code: 5840.102
Register early - class size will be limited.
Questions? Contact Sandy

Check out some of the recent research regarding Qigong/Tai Chi Practices,
and remember that Tai Chi is just one form of Qigong that is
more widely known and thus, more widely cited:
Click Here: Mind-body practice of qigong can improve cancer-related fatigue
Click Here: Tai chi reduces blood pressure better than aerobic exercise
Cross Plains Area
Mindfulness Meditation Group
All are welcome to join this open learning community focused on exploring mindfulness meditation practices to cultivate compassion and mutual understanding while enriching our personal faith journeys. No experience necessary.
Meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-7:45pm on a drop-in basis at St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 2427 Church St, Cross Plains, WI.
March 18: Scheduling conflict - check church website for an update​
April 15: Loving Kindness Practices with Sandy Salvo
Contact Sandy
Come as you are. Come when you are able.

NEW: Mindfulness Meditation Drop-In Sessions at Harbor Wellness Center
Last Wednesday of the Month, 11-11:45am beginning March 27th, 2024
Weekly Qigong Classes:
Monday 9-9:45am CT: Qigong via Zoom
Click Here for:
Monday 9am Qigong w Sandy via Zoom 2024
Meeting ID: 871 8831 7798
No Classes in March
Wednesday 8:30-9:15am: Qigong at the Lake
Meet near the Boathouse, Marshall Park, Middleton
Outdoor classes will resume in April 2024.
Refer a Friend, Get a Free Class Yourself!
Any time you refer a friend who tries a free Qigong class, you will receive a free class yourself! It’s that simple - you keep track on your own. Let’s keep spreading the word about this amazing form of self-care!😊
Suggested Qigong Class Fees for 2024*
- No Inflation Increases Here!
One-time drop in: $12/class
Class-Pass Bundle of 6: $54 ($9/class)
Class-Pass Bundle of 10: $80 ($8/class)
Class-Pass Bundle of 15: $102 (6.80/class)
*These rates apply to weekly online Zoom classes (Mondays, 9am) and weekly outdoor classes April-October (Wednesdays, 8:30am). Feel free to mix ‘n match as your schedule allows.
Payment Options:
Or mail check to:
Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562
Teach What You Aspire to Know
Online Professional Qigong Teacher Certification Training
IIQTC Level 1 Integral Qigong
I am honored to be assisting The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, one of the most respected Qigong and Tai Chi training and research institutes outside of China, with this Online Training!
Learn the methods and secrets for practicing and teaching profound Qigong practices that heal and energize the body - and create RADIANT WELL-BEING, with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD and IIQTC Faculty Lorrie Formella, MA, Oley Smith NACM, LAc, and Jennifer Weiss, March 14-May 16, 2024

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and professional growth through the time-honored principles of Qi cultivation, the renowned IIQTC Teaching Method, and the expertise of our IIQTC Faculty. T
CLICK HERE for IIQTC Online Level 1 Teacher Training Information & Registration