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Sandy's February 2022
Qigong Newsletter

As you take your next few breaths, I invite you to join me in honoring the life of
Thich Nhat Hanh,
Buddist Monk, Zen Master, author, teacher, and peace activist by practicing one of his beautiful breath meditations:

"Breathing in, I calm body and mind.
Breathing out, I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.”

thich Nhat Hahn.webp

Monday Qigong
via Zoom 

Cultivating Health and Vibrancy

Please use this Zoom link for our Monday 9am CT Qigong Sessions:




Passcode 320891

Gifts of the Heart


There is nothing like an unexpected gift of the heart to brighten our day.  Like the Valentine of lavender spray left upon my doorstep by a dear friend the year I was going through a divorce, knowing the loneliness I was feeling that day. Or the unexpected email with a beautiful poem written after our final outdoor Qigong practice this fall on the beach at Marshall Park (see Karen’s gift in the sidebar).


I have been truly blessed to have so many thoughtful, caring friends, freely sharing their gifts with me over the years. I could tell story after story of open hearts flowing with kindness in my direction.


Why do open hearts matter? There are many physical benefits, of course, to keeping your heart healthy, your arteries open and unclogged by excess and poor habits. But mentally, emotionally, and spiritually an open heart connects us to the truth that we are all ONE. It leads us out of self-pity, loathing, blame and ‘other-thinking’ and into a state of generosity, compassion and caring.


Mindfulness practices such as qigong, tai chi, yoga, meditation, and Centering Prayer are habits that allow us to release negativity and embrace that which is healing and restorative. Learning to use the power of our own breath as a tool for staying healthy and balanced is a ‘no-brainer’ in my book.  As my teacher, Roger Janke, would say, “Breath is Medicine.”


So to support our cultivation of openness, I hope you will consider joining me for a "Conscious Breath, Open Heart" Workshop on February 22 focused on learning the physiological, emotional, and spiritual benefits of conscious breath practices for maximizing our own well-being and that of those around us. (see details below)


With open hearts, spread your gifts freely to one another, dear friends. The world will be a better place for it.



Sandy Salvo

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Wednesday Morning Qigong

For Sandy Salvo

Written by Karen Redfield 12/3/2021


Standing on a patch of sand, our footprints mingling with those of deer,

We face Lake Mendota, a calm silver and blue this morning.

It is the week before Thanksgiving and,

Though warm for a Midwestern November,

The wind is a calling card from winter.

We leave our worries on the now-lonely picnic table,

Along with our keys and our phones.

The warmth spreads from our movements

And our sense of Qigong sisterhood.

We open ourselves, body, breath, and spirit,

Drawn to the healing light of our teacher.

She embodies a timeless gracefulness,

And as she plucks the precious fruit, she is a spirit dancer,

In communion with all around her.

We also become full of grace,

Dancing like cranes, flapping our dragon tails, and piercing the veil

With our tiger claws.

Surrounded by beauty on this Wednesday morning,

We let go

And gather in

What we need for this day.



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Conscious Breath, Open Heart Workshop via Zoom


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

10:00-11:30am Central Time


Set aside this time to learn about how our breathing patterns affect our hormones, immunity, heart-health and so much more!  Practice several breathing techniques that will enhance your mind, body, and spirit while improving your ability for interoception (self-observation).


We will combine them with simple Qigong movements to promote open hearts and compassionate living.  Leave feeling refreshed and renewed, with some new tools for cultivating your own health and vitality.


Suggested Fee:  $20

Email me to register and receive the Zoom link.


Payment Options:


Or mail check to:

Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562

The following borrowed from Ken Cohen: 

"2022 is a Water Tiger Year. However, each animal also relates to an element. The Tiger is Wood. Hence, this is a Water Wood Year. The first element, water, is called the “heavenly stem” and represents spirituality. The second element, wood, is called the “earthly branch” and symbolizes the physical world, especially the environment and economy.


Elements may be either in harmony or conflict. This year the elements are in harmony. Because water grows wood (element of the Tiger), water is considered the mother of wood. Thus, in this Year of the Tiger, the earthly branch (water) is the source of the heavenly stem (wood). This indicates harmony of yin and yang, better economic and environmental policies, and in general opportunities for positive change.


However, we must also remember that wood creates fire, and thus there is a continuing danger of rising temperatures and wildfires.


This is a good year for leadership, bold action, and new beginnings, whether personal projects or business pursuits. The tiger symbolizes strength, nobility, bravery, protection from evil, and exorcising negative forces.


Face your demons and have the courage to understand and slay them."

The Tiger's auspicious gifts are raw power

and uncommon courage.

Picture compliments of

For those seeking some guidance and review for their personal, at-home practice, I have created some video recordings:


  • Gratitude Practice (Qigong and Meditation) November 2020

  • Bird Qigong Frolics and Crane Form

  • Tiger and Bear Qigong Frolics

  • Deer and Monkey Qigong Frolics

  • Tai Chi Easy Form

  • Monday Morning Qigong November 2021


"Sandy:  I am so glad that I have a copy of your 'Tiger and Bear' video. 

I would like to think I can do the workout without your guidance, but the truth is that it is a lot easier and not as thought-provoking to have your instruction.  It allows me to focus on my movement instead of what to do next.

I really enjoy your classes, and the added  advantage of the video is that I can pull it out when needed, e.g. after working on chores all day. It speeds up my recovery time - Thank you!!"

C Hanson, Colorado



Note:  These are not professional recordings, but merely my humble attempt to provide you with some useful resources for your personal use. Email me if you wish to receive all or any of these recordings.


Suggested minimum donation is $10 each, or any 3 for $25.


Payment Options:


Or mail check to:

Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562

The Year of the Water Tiger
begins Feb. 1st 


Video Recordings Available


Weekly Qigong Classes:


Monday 9am CT Qigong via Zoom 

 Join Zoom Class 


Meeting ID: 882 7461 0012






Spread the Word:  Qigong Activates the Healer Within!

Bring A Friend – Practice for Free!


There is no doubt in my mind that your invitations to friends and family members is THE absolute best means of spreading the word about the healing power of Qigong!


Without someone who has personally experienced the effects of these practices bearing witness to another, most people simply do not understand what Qigong is or how it can make them feel.        


Please consider who in your circle might benefit from Qigong and invite them to try a class for free. Each time you bring a new person to class, you can practice for free, too!


Suggested Fee: $10/class for one-time drop in

Flexible Commitment Options:

Purchase classes in advance and use them as you are able.


6 classes for $48 ($8/class)

10 classes for $70 ($7/class)

15 classes for $90 ($6/class)


I am committed to offering access to the healing power of Qigong to

all who seek to practice with us. Please don’t let financial hardship

get in the way of your health. Simply email me.


Payment Options:


Or mail check to:

Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562





Centered-Connections Website

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