Sandy's January/February 2024
Qigong & Mindfulness
Jasper, Canada
"Everything in the universe has rhythm.
Everything dances. -Maya Angelou
Outdoor Qigong, Marshall Park
"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonlely, or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens...I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles." Anne Frank
Glacier National Park, MT
"Go Outside and Play!"
This may seem like a strange title for a winter newsletter article from Wisconsin, but it sums up my focus for 2024 beautifully (and reminds me of these words coming from my mother’s mouth when I was a child). In all honesty, I didn’t have to be told more than once and I was OUT THE DOOR, riding my bike, exploring the nearby woods and creek, heading to the pool or ice rink.
As John Muir put it, "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to stay in and places to pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike."
I've been mentioning to my friends that I'm feeling drawn to taking my Qigong and Meditation practices outdoors, and how I want this to be my focus for the coming year. I believe there is a strong magnetism between all living beings and the natural forces that surround us. I have come to understand it as ‘Qi’, or lifeforce energy, always moving through, around and within us, connecting our spirits in ways we can only begin to understand.
It's this mysterious wisdom that I feel called to
explore, by going outdoors and looking within.
Sometimes this takes the form of playfulness; sometimes it comes in the form of a physical challenge. And often I am simply drawn to be still and silent, to be present to what is showing up around and within me.
So remember your mother’s words of wisdom and take yourself outside whenever possible, even in the colder weather. Breathe deeply. Let your bones feel the support of the earth and your spirit feel the calling of the stars! Allow yourself to be AWED, to be INSPIRED, to be CALLED HOME to your true self.
And please watch for opportunities to join me OUTDOORS this coming year, at a weekly Qigong practice by the lake, at a workshop at a local park, at our monthly Mindfulness Meditation drop-in group, or at a spiritual retreat with outdoor opportunities. The sky’s the limit!
Don't forget to update your Zoom link for Monday Qigong at 9am.
May blessings abound for all of us in the year ahead,
Sandy Salvo
P.S. Two Mindfulness Meditation classes begin in the next several days - Have you taken the step to register?
P.S.S. My word-of-the year for 2024 is: Nature-inspired.
What's yours?
by Mary Oliver
For years, every morning, I drank
from Blackwater Pond.
It was flavored with oak leaves and also, no doubt,
the feet of ducks.
And always it assuaged me
from the dry bowl of the very far past.
What I want to say is
that the past is the past,
and the present is what your life is,
and you are capable
of choosing what that will be,
darling citizen.
So come to the pond,
or the river of your imagination,
or the harbor of your longing,
and put your lips to the world.
And live
your life.
Mt. Rainier, WA
Mercer, WI
Intro to Mindfulness Meditation
Mondays, 12:30-2:00pm
5 Weeks: Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 and Feb. 5, 2024
Middleton Senior Center (7448 Hubbard Ave)
* (Alternative Class at Harbor Wellness: Weds, Jan 3-31st, 11-12:30)
Mountain Lake, Jasper, Canada
"If you ever wonder what's the big deal about mindfulness, you might remember this...Mindfulness (or vipassana meditation) is the technology for shifting from being ensnarled in suffering to being curious about it." Ruth King
"Between life’s stimuli and our habitual responses exists choice."
Ken Wilber
Learning to live with awareness and acceptance of what is happening around and within us can free us from unnecessary worry, anxiety, and stress which adversely affects our mental and physical health. Mindfulness meditation gives us tools for living life with purpose and joy.
Meeting weekly for 90 minutes in a small group, we will explore the foundations and benefits of mindfulness meditation, focusing on learning through experience and self-reflection. Students will be provided with an electronic workbook to print and will be encouraged to practice various forms of mindfulness at home between sessions. No experience is necessary, but a curious mindset is key!
Fee: $122
To register, click HERE using code: 5840.101
Register early - class size will be limited.
Questions? Contact Sandy
Cross Plains Area
Mindfulness Meditation Group
All are welcome to join this open learning community focused on exploring mindfulness meditation practices to cultivate compassion and mutual understanding while enriching our personal faith journeys. No experience necessary.
Meeting monthly on the 3rd Monday of the month, 6:30-7:45pm on a drop-in basis at St. Martin's Lutheran Church, 2427 Church St, Cross Plains, WI.
January 15: Somatic Tracking for Chronic Pain with Jeff Postle​
February 19: Loving Kindness Practices with Sandy Salvo
Contact Sandy
Come as you are.
Come when you are able.
Weekly Qigong Classes:
Monday 9-9:45am CT: Qigong via Zoom
Click Here for:
Monday 9am Qigong w Sandy via Zoom 2024
Meeting ID: 871 8831 7798
Wednesday 8:30-9:15am: Qigong at the Lake
Meet near the Boathouse, Marshall Park, Middleton
Outdoor classes will resume in April 2024.
Refer a Friend, Get a Free Class Yourself!
Any time you refer a friend who tries a free Qigong class, you will receive a free class yourself! It’s that simple - you keep track on your own. Let’s keep spreading the word about this amazing form of self-care!😊
Suggested Qigong Class Fees for 2024*
- No Inflation Increases Here!
One-time drop in: $12/class
Class-Pass Bundle of 6: $54 ($9/class)
Class-Pass Bundle of 10: $80 ($8/class)
Class-Pass Bundle of 15: $102 (6.80/class)
*These rates apply to weekly online Zoom classes (Mondays, 9am) and weekly outdoor classes April-October (Wednesdays, 8:30am). Feel free to mix ‘n match as your schedule allows.
Payment Options:
Or mail check to:
Sandy Salvo :: 7521 Oak Circle Dr, Middleton, Wisconsin, 53562
Centered-Connections Website
For more information about my services, please use the menu bar at the top to explore my website!